CMD Message

Chairman Message
A very vast greetings from Mr. M.K. Gupta to all of my friends.
Happy New Year 2020
I want to say something to all of my friends :-
* Past           is a     Waste Paper.
* Present     is a     News Paper.
* Future       is a     Question Paper ?
Your past had gone away so, do not think about that.your upcoming future depends on your present deeds so, your present is a news paper and you do not know about your future. so future is a question paper.if your deeds are positive in the present time,your future will be positive.Thus always do positive deeds.
Firstly I would most probably, Welcome you to the Memorable world of SAI SANCHAY MART is a Business of  Sales & Service Marketing.
        It has been well- evidenced that the best way for obtaining an extra amount of income is "Sales & Service Marketing". It is a single best way that turns a common person to a combo-Million-ace.
      So, friends almost 300 years ago, James Watt a great Scientist and an inventor of Steam Engine was also a great thinker. Firstly, No one was with him but he was brave and Courageous because of which his discovery gave us a new direction and vision to live successfully, "a Happy Life".
In the same way , I am offering you a very golden chance to give a birth to a new productive vision. To live successfully, happily & to make your dreams come true.
        So Friends to be successful in life you require only one thing firstly, just believe in what is your dream and second is to have a firm believe on SAI SANCHAY MART which is a positive way to meet your dreams.
             Friends, my best wishes are always with you. I and the whole SAI SANCHAY MART Management Team is always with you.

                                                                                     Thank You!!!
!! OM SAI RAM !!                                                                                    !!JAI SAI SANCHAY!!

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